On the corner of Sahara and Santa Rita sits a shop adorned in every cannabis lover’s favorite numbers. Just like the lovely-lady buds that represent those numbers this shop is the only woman-owned dispensary fighting for all things 420. Ironically enough, Sahara Wellness didn’t choose their address for its play on 4/20. We can call it divine intervention, maybe a stoney-destiny. Whatever you want to call it, it is known as a safe haven for consumers.
The patient-first nature of Sahara Wellness has attracted a crowd full of questions about medical cannabis. Luckily for them, Sahara takes the time to find and educate the best people for the job. No matter where you are as a cannabis consumer, a motherly-approach comes through on your visit. Budtenders obsessed with giving you the best experience wait eagerly for you to walk through those doors. With their own cultivation and brand, covering every consumer’s needs and budget, those people are a big factor to their local-fame.
As the only woman-owned dispensary in Las Vegas, this classic shop embodies the rollercoaster of achievements and battles that cannabis has fought for. Through legislative changes, the chaos of Rec-day, and all that came after, Sahara Wellness has seen it all. And, they welcome the next step with open arms (and lungs). Only a handful of shops have withstood the test of time and change remaining true to their focusing principles. Sahara is glad to be among them; but, it was no easy feat to get here today.
Before Rec…
Before the summer of 2017, cannabis was just medically legal. Unless you were a medical patient, or lucky enough to get passed security, a Las Vegas dispensary wasn’t a place you could leisurely visit. Only a handful of shops even existed! But, the love of community and cannabis was stronger than ever.
During this time, medical cannabis was an eye-opener. It allowed consumers to actually discuss cannabis in a safe environment with people who cared enough to learn about it. We all find a visit to a shop just another errand to run today but, for some time, this was all a dream.
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The stigma dates back to the early 1900s. Education on cannabis was almost nonexistant. Shops solely for cannabis were nothing more than a hope for the future. Medical cannabis was dominated by illegal operations or those who came with ulterior motives. Women in particular were shunned for their use, citing how it could interfere with parenting, especially those who consumed while pregnant. As a result, the community and its consumers suffered in silence or consumed in paranoid secrecy. Until cannabis became a topic we could discuss with the intent to learn, most of this remained the same. The ladies who run this Sahara Wellness created a work philosophy around that obvious need. Teaching, learning, and caring became founding principles for people who had their own medical journeys with cannabis, leading us to a new green era.
Today, the industry is overcoming the stigma of cannabis, the misconceptions of consuming parents, as well as the negative views on cannabis use during pregnancy. More education-focused businesses exist and even more consumers are taking an interest out in the open. They may be the only woman-owned dispensary in Las Vegas but the country is seeing more and more of that passion coming through in all parts of our industry.
Woman-Owned Dispensary With A Cultural Focus
Culture & Cannabis wants to help revel in those accomplishments. A love for community as well as the passion for the plant remains the foundation of a better cannabis industry. We’ve already proven what we can do together with that common ground but, with help from shops like Sahara Wellness, we can do even more! Not just medically, but recreationally too!
With that in mind, this woman-owned dispensary is opening a new recreationally focused shop. The original 420 location is known for its medical focus. The new location on the edge of the Fremont district will celebrate the new rec-market with the same passion and care. The district is known for its eclectic art and variety of dive bars that have reignited interest in the area. Alternatively, only a few cannabis businesses have successfully navigated the growing area. Sahara hopes to change that with Cannastarz, taking over an old business near some tourist favorites. With Culture & Cannabis long for the ride, we can make downtown Vegas our own Amsterdam. Hopefully, with coffee shops and all!
For now, keep an eye out for Cannastarz opening later this year. Grab your favorite products from Culture & Cannabis while absorbing some of the old Las Vegas culture.